27 Dec

For most homes, laundry is a hurdle difficult to overcome. In all honesty, it’s not the most exciting task, but it doesn’t have to be huge endeavor. So how do you overcome the laundry funk? I’ve got you covered. Read on for my quick and easy laundry tips: 

Schedule it Out

If there are any tasks in your home that you find are difficult to keep on top of, it is a great practice to begin by scheduling your work ahead of time. In regards to laundry, you should schedule out what day you would like to wash darks, lights, or specialty items. For the most part it doesn't matter what day you wash these items, but some things like uniforms or kid's clothes may be best scheduled for the last day of the work-week. If you really need the reminder, you can use the notes app in your iphone, or a similar app in your android phone. Schedules are so important when you're learning how to maintain busier tasks. Stay strict with your schedule, and once you find a groove that works for you home, you can change your schedule or loosen the reins a bit. 

Do a Load a Day

Alright, I know this sounds outrageous to some of you, but I promise it’s worth it. I wash a load of laundry every weekday. If I can get out of weekend chores, I go for it! If sheets, towels, or any special items need washed, these get done as a second load, as they take under 5 mins to fold and put away. 

Sort it Out

Most people worry about organized closets and wardrobes. These are important spaces in a home, though your laundry should be organized when dirty, as well. If possible, place a sorter in or near your laundry room. Having your laundry sorted and ready to go makes the entire process much quicker. 

Location is Everything

When you begin the tedious task of folding and putting away the laundry, (insert groan here,) do so in the same room as the closets or wardrobes. When you’re in close proximity to these spaces, one load of laundry should take about 10 mins to put away. 

Declutter as you Fold

If you’re finding that you have tons of laundry building up between washes, your closets and drawers are cram-packed, or you can go weeks without doing laundry, it’s quite likely that you’ve got too many items. If you’ve got a few minutes to spare when folding laundry, take the time to declutter what you can. Get rid of those dingy, damaged items and make room for pieces you will really love. Your closet doesn’t need a lot, but if you’re unsure of how much you need to hold onto, feel free to ask The Purposeful Home! 

Keep it Easygoing

I don’t recommend TV or any visual stimulation while doing chores—it really slows down the process. However, you should enjoy the time spent doing household tasks—yes, even when doing laundry. Podcasts are my go-to entertainment pick when cleaning, but I love some good music, too. 

Don’t get stressed if you’ve got a lot on your plate. Take it easy and one task at a time. When you’re trying to improve a process in your home and finding what works for you, it may take some time to get into the swing of things and a bit of trial and error. Remember to focus on one task at a time, stay on track with your game plan, and keep your eyes on the prize. 

As always, if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, don’t fret! We’ve got you. The Purposeful Home can help you identify some ways to stay productive in your home and make your tasks easier than ever, so feel free to give us a call or ask us a question on social media.  

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